Mutation Marking

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List of Dragon Attributes Dragon Skins Dragon Eyes Dragon Claw Pigments Dragon Horns Dragon Horn Pigments Dragon Ornaments Dragon Ornaments Pigments Marking Mutation Marking
  • Mutation Cerulean Smolder
  • Mutation Citrine Lacing
  • Mutation Emerald Ripple
  • Mutation Indigo Fissure
  • Mutation Lace Ripple
  • Mutation Lemon Smolder
  • Mutation Pine Lacing
  • Mutation Ruby Fissure
  • Mutation Amber Smolder
  • Mutation Charcoal Smolder
  • Mutation Citrine Ripple
  • Mutation Emerald Lacing
  • Mutation Mahogany Fissure
  • Mutation Mulberry Ripple
  • Mutation Sky Fissure
  • Mutation Wisteria Lacing
  • Mutation Lemon Aurora
  • Mutation Rose Aurora

On April 4, 2022 a connection was released about Tia'Malcara's Secret!

Read the post here: Tia'Malcara's Secret!

This post talked about breeding certain combinations of traits to get a Mystical Surprise!

The Surprise was brand new Mutation Markings!

Here is the combination key for the Mutation breedings each parent must be one of the following to give you a chance at getting a Mutation.

  1. Smolder + Water = Mutation Cerulean Smolder
  2. Smolder + Air = Mutation Lemon Smolder
  3. Lacing + Earth = Mutation Pine Lacing
  4. Lacing + Fire = Mutation Citrine Lacing
  5. Ripple + air = Mutation Lace Ripple
  6. Ripple + earth = Mutation Emerald Ripple
  7. Fissure + fire = Mutation Ruby Fissure
  8. Fissure + water = Mutation Indigo Fissure
  9. Smolder + Brimstone or Ukeinth = Mutation Amber Smolder
  10. Smolder + Iakuss (earth) = Mutation Charcoal Smolder
  11. Ripple + Ceondet (fire) = Mutation Citrine Ripple
  12. Lacing + Qandaes (water) = Mutation Emerald Lacing
  13. Fissure + Xumenth (earth) = Mutation Mahogany Fissure
  14. Ripple + Zaetus (water)= Mutation Mulberry Ripple
  15. Fissure + Xaytud (air) = Mutation Sky Fissure
  16. Lacing + Zemraidu (air) = Mutation Wisteria Lacing

These Markings DO have the ability to pass!!

On May 26 at the Mystical Creatures Town Hall 8 new Mutation Markings were announced!

Read the post here: New Mutation Markings!

  1. Any Ripples Marking + Sossurth =Mutation Denim Ripples
  2. Lacing + Ruby Skin = Lacing Ruby
  3. Fissure + Zemraidu = Mutation Wisteria Fissure
  4. Lacing + Datentud = Mutation Lace Smolder
  5. Any Evergreen Trait + Ceondet = Mutation Lemon Aurora
  6. Any Antlers + Mothers Rose Eye = Mutation Rose Aurora
  7. Any Earth Claw + Mahogany Marking = Mutation Mahogany Aurora
  8. Any Icy Trait + Indigo Marking = Mutation Indigo Aurora