2023 Legendary Edition - Juicy Watermelon

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Skin: 22023 Legendary Edition - Juicy Watermelon
Eye: Juicy Watermelon
Claws: Juicy Watermelon
Horn: Stone
Horn Pigment: Juicy Watermelon
Ornament: Stone
Ornament Pigment: Juicy Watermelon 

Mystical Creatures released the 22023 Legendary Edition - Juicy Watermelon to celebrate the start of Summer! You could pick up these Juicy Legendry's from May 16, 2023, until May 30th, 2023!

You do NOT have to breed these Dragons together to get a Juicy surprise!

The skins on the 22023 Legendary Edition - Juicy Watermelon DO NOT have the ability to pass! However the Juicy Watermelon Eye does have the possibility to pass!