List of Dragon Attributes | Dragon Skins | Dragon Eyes | Dragon Claw Pigments | Dragon Horns | Dragon Horn Pigments | Dragon Ornaments | Dragon Ornaments Pigments | Marking | Mutation Marking |
- Fissure Pine
- Fissure Charcoal
- Lacing Lace
- Lacing Orchid
- Ripple Cerulean
- Ripple Sky
- Smolder Peach
- Smolder Ruby
- Snowflake Lace
- Snowflake Sky
- Stone Fissure
- Arctic Aurora Cream
- Arctic Aurora Sky
- Heart Throb Ruby
- Heart Throb Rose
- Citrine Piebald
- Amber Piebald
- Lace Piebald
- Charcoal Piebald
When Dragons were unleashed on September 15, 2021, Markings are a NON Starter Trait that could be obtained by breeding any of the Starter Dragons!
The Snowflake Lace and Snowflake Sky markings were hiding in the 2021 Legendary Christmas Gift - Holly!
The Stone Fissure Marking was found by breeding any 2022 Legendary Edition - Sterling Steel!
The Arctic Aurora Cream & Arctic Aurora Sky Marking came from the 2023 Legendary Edition Arctic Aurora Dragons available in Jan 10, 2023!
On February 6, 2024 any time you breed a Ruby Skin to a Mutation Rose Aurora you could get a surprise, that was the Heart Throb Markings they were only available for the month of February!
Citrine & Amber Piebald markings were hiding in the 2024 Legendary Edition - Koi Dragons!
Lace & Charcoal Piebald markings were hiding in the 2024 Legendary Edition Monarch Dragons!
Markings DO have the ability to pass!
Below are examples of each Marking on a Air Fruzayl SKin
- Fire Non Starter Skins
Fissure Pine
Fissure Charcoal
Lacing Lace
Lacing Orchid
Ripple Cerulean
Ripple Sky
Smolder Peach
Smolder Ruby
Snowflake Lace
Snowflake Sky
Stone Fissure
Arctic Aurora Cream
Arctic Aurora Sky
Heart Throb Ruby
Heart Throb Rose
Citrine Piebald
Amber Piebald
Lace Piebald
Charcoal Piebald