Battle Buffs
Battle Buffs! There are items that you can craft and find digging, these items will give your stats a boost, here is a list of what is currently released:
- Flask of Water - When enabled with an Water Element Dragon improves Speed
- Flask of Recovery - When enabled with any Dragon heals you at the start of every turn
- Flask of Intimidation - When enabled with any Dragon improves Defense
- Flask of Air - When enabled with an Air Element Dragon improves Speed
- Flask of Fire - When enabled with an Fire Element Dragon improves Speed
- Flask of Earth - When enabled with an Earth Element Dragon improves Speed
To use any Flask, make sure your HUD is attached, and rez the Flask on the ground. Click Flask, a dialog box will pop up with 2 different options. Flasks last 24 hours and may be switched at any time, they are a one time use item! Use- Choosing this option will use the Flask as a battle buff, Flask will disappear and be added under the Flask box on your battling HUD
Recycle- Choose this option to recycle the Flask and get back half of the material it cost to craft , the Flask will disappear and your materials will be added back under the crafting page of your HUD

- Orb of Instinct - When enabled with any Dragon increases your accuracy and increases your speed
- Orb of Dragonkin - When enabled with any Dragon gives you a defense bonus
- Staff of Striking - When enabled with any Dragon increases your accuracy and damage
- Staff of Swiftness - When enabled with any Dragon increases your accuracy and gives a chance to get a extra action at the start of a round
These battle buffs to use you must add them from your inventory, click them you will get two options: Use- Choosing this option will use the Relic as a battle buff, orb or staff will remain in your hand and be added under the Relic box on your battling HUD, this buff last 10 battles and cannot be switched before it runs out. Once you have a Relic you may use it over and over again! Recycle- Choose this option to recycle the Relic and get back half of the material it cost to craft, the Relic will disappear and your materials will be added back under the crafting page of your HUD.

- Rune of Water I - V When enabled with an Water Element Dragon improves Accuracy
- Rune of Fire I - V When enabled with an Fire Element Dragon improves Accuracy
- Rune of Earth I - V When enabled with an Earth Element Dragon improves Accuracy
- Rune of Air I - V When enabled with an Air Element Dragon improves Accuracy
- Rune of Scales I - V When enabled against any Dragon increases max health
- Rune of Mastery When enabled with any Dragon improves Accuracy all elemental Runes V combined in one!
To use any Rune, make sure your HUD is attached, and rez the rune on the ground. Click the Rune, a dialog box will pop up with 3 different options.
Use- Choosing this option will use the Rune as a battle buff, rune and be added under the Rune box on your battling HUD. Runes will last a total of 10 battles PVE or PVP, Runes maybe used over and over again!
Craft- Choose this option when upgrading from a lower-level Rune to a higher level using, a blueprint and leyline forge, the Rune will disappear upon crafting, and you will be sent a new Rune
Recycle- Choose this option to recycle the Rune and get back half of the material it cost to craft, the Rune will disappear, and your materials will be added back under the crafting page of your HUD

Bandages Blueprints for bandages, as well as bandages can be found as loot while digging and battling. Bandages are not physical items, they are sent to your HUD and you will be able to see how many you have on your Hud battling page.
Each Bandage can be used 1 time during every battle and cost one action, this will heal your Dragon and give you HP.
There are currently 3 different bandages:
- Wool Bandage - Gives you 40 HP during a battle
- Silk Bandage- Gives you 80 HP during a battle
- Gossimer Bandage - Gives you Full HP during a battle
Once you use a bandage one will be deducted from the Bandage box located on the battling page on your HUD.